Friday, March 13, 2009

Get Inspired with ... Shabby Chic!

Okay its no secret to those that know me. I LOVE shabby chic. In fact if I wasn't married I would have my whole house decorated wall to wall with all of Rachel Ashwell's signature overstuffed & floral goodies. Sigh... however hubby does not share my love of shabby chic, so I must indulge my cravings in a much more subtle way. Just adding a touch of Shabby Chicness (is that a word?) into a room can change the whole tone of the space. Here are some of my favorite accessories from Shabby Chic.
How cute would these be in a little girl's bedroom:

LOVE this! How cute would this be to store in your bathroom and fill it up with cottonballs or any of those other not so pretty to display products:

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